Child & Adolescent Psychologist
Frequently Asked Questions
How much does an evaluation cost?
Please see my Fees & Insurance page, where I have listed my flat-rate fees for all evaluation types.
What is “neuropsychological” testing, and How is it different from psychological or psychoeducational testing?
Oftentimes, these terms are used interchangeably. Most of the time, if a “neuropsychological evaluation” has been recommended (such as, by a pediatrician or a teacher), the recommendation is that the child undergo a battery of testing that examines their: cognitive abilities, attention and executive functioning (such as memory, speed of processing, inhibition), academic achievement, social perception and communication, and social/emotional and adaptive functioning. A battery of tests like this is primarily used for diagnostic clarification — that is, if there is concern that a child may be displaying symptoms of a psychological disorder or neurodevelopmental difference (such as autism, ADHD, or a learning disorder).
I may refer a child to another provider with even more specialized training if there is a history of concussions or other traumatic brain injury (TBI) to consider.
For private school admissions, what tests do you use?
For private school applications requiring IQ testing, I use the WPPSI-IV for students 5 years and younger, and the WISC-V for students 6+ years old. I do not use the KABC-II.
If academic achievement testing is also being requested for private school applications, I use the WIAT-4.
What can I expect my child to do during an IQ test?
How can I prepare my child for an IQ test?
Your child will be completing a variety of activities at the testing table with me, such as answering questions, looking at pictures, and playing with blocks.
There is nothing you should do to try to prepare your child for an IQ test. These tests are not designed to be “studied” for. What you can do is try to ensure that your child has had an adequate night’s sleep and has been fed prior to testing, so they are not likely to feel tired or hungry.
Will I be in the room with my child for their testing?
What should we bring with us on the day of testing?
You can bring some snacks and/or a drink for your child to have with them during the testing session.
Most of the time, I ask that parents wait outside in the lobby while I work with the child, to minimize distractions. If a parent must be in the room (for example, if a child is too anxious to separate from their parent), I ask that the parent remain out of view of the child and remain quiet. I will not allow audio or video recording of testing in any circumstance.
What forms of payment do you accept?
I prefer payment by check or ACH bank transfer using Square invoicing. I can also accept credit cards and HSA/FSA cards.
How do I get reimbursed by my insurance company for a comprehensive evaluation with you?
Do you offer reduced-fee or sliding scale rates?
Yes, I do offer a limited number of significantly reduced-fee comprehensive evaluations. Let me know if you believe you would qualify for a reduced-fee evaluation.
If I am out of network with your insurance, I recommend calling your insurance provider to ask about your "out of network benefits." Here are some questions you can ask:
Do I have "out of network benefits" in my plan?
What are my deductible and out-of-pocket maximums for out-of-network services?
Are behavioral health services covered under my medical plan, or are they contracted out to another insurance company?
Is psychological testing a covered service under my plan?
How much can I be reimbursed for the following service codes?
90791 (parent intake)
96130, 96131, 96136, and 96137 (psychological testing)
Keep in mind that IQ testing for private school admissions is not covered by insurance.